Tag: Top 10 Indian Spiritual Authors worth Reading
Spirituality & Mental Well-Being
Read More: Spirituality & Mental Well-BeingSpiritualism is the study of the spirit about life. It is a philosophy that seeks meaning and purpose beyond the cognitive mind, with a higher power considered…
Read More: SPIRITUAL ATHEISTA theist is a person who believes in the existence of God and deities without explanation. On the other hand, an atheist denies all religious beliefs of God…
WHO AM I? – 1
Read More: WHO AM I? – 1It is said that by the year 2050, we will be able to download our mind into a machine, and artificial intelligence, in turn, will be able to compute all that the mind accomplishes.
What Are Thoughts? – 1
Read More: What Are Thoughts? – 1Scientifically, when packets of light energy called photons stimulate the retina of the eyes, a chain of events takes place.
The Symphony of Silence: Mastering the Art of Listening
Read More: The Symphony of Silence: Mastering the Art of ListeningUnlock the power of silence and mindful listening. Discover how mastering this art can deepen connections…
The Secret of Life
Read More: The Secret of LifeIn spiritual traditions, the “secret of life” resonates with a deeper understanding of existence, the universe, and oneself.
Read More: THE FINAL TRUTHDiscover the ultimate truth beyond mind and body. Explore how ancient wisdom and science reveal our true nature as pure energy, beyond the illusions of life.
Read More: SPIRITUALISM & SPIRITUALITYSpiritualism affirms a single, supreme spiritual reality—a non-dual awareness, a divine energy that connects and guides conscious living and existence.
Spiritual Science
Read More: Spiritual ScienceThe convergence of science and spirituality is an endeavor to explore the nature of the immaterial realm, transcending the confines of matter and cognition.
Science of Happiness
Read More: Science of HappinessHappiness is a complex emotional state characterized by contentment, joy, satisfaction, and well-being.
Non-Duality – The Essence of Spirituality
Read More: Non-Duality – The Essence of SpiritualityNon-duality as a concept is well apprehended only after a spiritual awakening.
Read More: NON-DUALISMThe philosophy of non-dualism is a fundamental concept in the Upanishads, the ancient texts of Hinduism
Read More: NEO-SPIRITUALISMSpiritualism is a metaphysical belief, a philosophy that includes entities such as the soul, life after death, deities, reincarnation, etc.
Spiritual Power – Morality and Ethics
Read More: Spiritual Power – Morality and EthicsMorality and Ethics may seem similar, but there is a difference. Morals are one’s principles, directed by conscience and formulated…
Read More: MODERN SPIRITUALISMSpiritualism, concerning religion and communication with spirits, emphasizes the afterlife and relationships with deceased…
Unveiling Mental Pollution: Unseen Toxins
Read More: Unveiling Mental Pollution: Unseen ToxinsIn today’s fast-paced world, the term “mental pollution” has emerged to encapsulate…
Life – What a Delusion!
Read More: Life – What a Delusion!Ancient Indian philosophy says that our existence is merely an illusion (Maya) – it’s just how the ultimate source of energy…
Let It Be: Words of Wisdom
Read More: Let It Be: Words of WisdomWe often encounter challenges, responsibilities, and societal expectations throughout our lives. We naturally strive for control…
Witnessing the Mind: A Path to Self-Discovery and Clarity
Read More: Witnessing the Mind: A Path to Self-Discovery and ClarityIntrospection is looking inward to examine our thoughts, feelings, and motivations.
Intelligence is Divine -2
Read More: Intelligence is Divine -2Scientists, psychologists, and philosophers have examined and discussed the complicated and multidimensional idea of intelligence…