Fearlessness does not signify the absence of fear; instead, it involves a close familiarity with it. You take action even in the presence of fear, reaching your goals. Fear is often False Evidence Appearing Real – most of the time, what we fear does not even materialize. Fear is a natural emotion that we cannot eliminate. If you give in to fear, it will grow into a monster that emotionally and psychologically drags you down. The best way to deal with fear is to take immediate action toward achieving your goals or distract your mind by paying attention to something else by shifting your focus to positive emotions. 

Fearlessness does not signify the absence of fear; instead, it involves a close familiarity with it.

Individuals who embody fearlessness are not averse to experiencing fear but are at ease in acknowledging its presence. They recognize that fear is ingrained in our nervous system, making it impossible to switch off. Moreover, they understand that fear serves to warn and protect rather than to intimidate or hinder. In our spiritual journey, which is more directed towards the soul than the cognitive mind, the pursuit of fearlessness involves attempts to conquer desires, expectations, and attachments. Spiritual practice entails engaging in selfless actions with reduced identifications and attachments, aligning with self-knowledge for self-awareness and eventual self-realization. This transformative process aligns thoughts, feelings, and actions with the goal of mental purification.

Fear arises due to the human mind’s tendency to perceive things in opposites—good/evil, positive/negative, divine/devil, etc. As long as desires persist in life, so does fear. Excessive identification with the body-mind nexus, resulting in a sense of incompleteness due to delusion and fear, contributes to fear’s existence. Facing fear requires countering it, acknowledging that it is an inherent, natural emotion. Fear intensifies when the mind controls you instead of the other way around, particularly when it is attached to the illusory reality of likes and dislikes. Fear also stems from delusions about wanting more out of life. Ignorance about one’s true self is also a significant cause of fear.

Achieving self-awareness beyond the body and mind is the key to escaping fear. It enables the observation of psychic fear from an external perspective and its counteraction with a calm mind. A spiritual individual can mindfully perceive fear in the present moment without being burdened by past or future concerns. It is crucial to recognize that fear directs itself towards the future, which remains uncertain. Fear will persist as long as there is suspicion and separation from the unity and continuity of everything.

Addressing anticipatory anxiety involves being aware of it, understanding its potential harm, and confronting it through the presence of your soul within the mind. Observing fear, cultivating awareness, engaging in self-talk to reassure your mind, practising mindfulness in the present, establishing a life purpose beyond material desires, and confronting challenges with a warrior’s mindset once the worst-case scenario is known are effective strategies.

Additionally, it is vital to acknowledge that fear is a normal response to unfavorable circumstances. Preventing it from becoming chronic or detrimental to daily life and well-being involves incorporating deep breathing, meditation, chanting, and muscle relaxation. Embracing a mindset that accepts success and failure, profit and loss as natural facets of life, and approaching situations with grace and respect, regardless of their outcome, fosters resilience and adaptability.


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