Spiritual power encompasses the inner reservoir of strength, wisdom, and resilience that individuals tap into through their spiritual beliefs and practices. This power derives from a profound connection to something greater than oneself, whether it be a higher power, the universe, nature, or a transcendent realm. It offers a deep sense of purpose, meaning, and connection beyond the material world, serving as a wellspring of inspiration and guidance.

What is spiritual power?

On the journey to unlock spiritual power, one seeks to attain inner peace, uncover the underlying truths of love, truth, reality, and divinity, and ultimately discover one’s identity beyond the physical and mental aspects of self. The ego defines power as the ability to shape circumstances to one’s advantage, exert influence over others, or even dominate them to achieve personal objectives. In contrast, spiritual power refers to the inherent intelligence that permeates all aspects of existence, from the smallest particles to the vast cosmos, responsible for cultivating and harmonizing all manifestations of life. 

Each of us possesses an infinite potential for spiritual power, waiting to be harnessed to manifest our visions and desires. This cosmic energy acts as a balancing force against our desires and emotions, providing the spiritual perspective we all need. We must remember that we are spiritual beings undergoing human experiences, and this spiritual force resides within our souls. Awakening this force empowers us to approach life holistically, with selflessness, mindfulness, and clarity, enabling us to confront any situation with strength and consistency.

Spiritual power operates beyond our cognitive limitations, manifesting as intuitive insights and eureka moments. This divine energy helps us solve seemingly incomprehensible problems with instant transparency, supporting the notion of “That art Thou.” As long as we look outward for support, our power remains elusive, but turning inward allows us to realize our spiritual selves. Spiritual empowerment enhances mental clarity and leads to a profound understanding of reality.

The spirit, as described in the philosophy of Spiritualism, connects the non-dual cosmic energy of the universe with our dualistic, dual-operating minds, balancing material and spiritual perspectives. The spirit awakens the soul and settles in the mind, which science often considers the unconscious part of the mind. This awakening enables the mind to actively review, analyze, and make choices in the face of dualities like good and evil, positive and negative, and happiness and sadness.

Spiritual consciousness takes us further, guiding our ever-desiring minds from selfishness to selflessness through divine deeds. This transition leads to contentment, clarity, and constancy, allowing us to live a fulfilling and holistic life. While the human mind tends toward pessimism, greed, jealousy, egocentrism, arrogance, and manipulation, spiritual power equips us with the mental strength to be fearless, selfless, humble, and positive. It also gives us spontaneous intelligence, enabling us to craft our unique meaning and purpose. 

Despite advancements in science and many other fields, our planet’s well-being remains at risk due to humanity’s excessive inclination toward materialistic selfishness. Striking a proper balance between life’s material and spiritual aspects is crucial for our collective harmony and the planet’s health. 


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